
I'm Rajdeep Biswas, a Data Scientist with experience in engineering intelligent systems.

Get in touch r4jdeepbiswas@gmail.com


I'm currently a Data Scientist & Machine Learning Engineer at SAP Labs, Bangalore building Machine / Deep Learning systems from scratch with some awesome people.

I am a musician turned programmer.
(Also, a metalhead!). emoji

I started getting into programming languages with the belief of the power of being able to talk to computers will let me ease up a lot of things, and it just snowballed from there.
I discovered machine learning in my sophomore year of college and I haven't gotten over the idea of making AGI possible, since.
As a side effect of trying to understand machine intelligence, I find myself deeply intrigued by the underlying workings of human intelligence.

I can't wait to find some time for myself (hopefully, in the near future) to study some Neuroscience (and brush up my Calculus, too).

I am also a philosophy & psychology nut, and a massive Rick and Morty fan.

View My Resume

  • Python
  • Java
  • SQL
Frameworks & Libraries
  • Flask
  • TensorFlow
  • PyTorch
  • Sklearn
  • Pandas
  • Numpy
  • Matplotlib
  • Git & Github
  • Jupyter Notebook
  • Bash
  • Postman
August 2020 - Present
ML Engineer / Data Scientist
Jun - August 2019
Developer Intern
View My Hackerrank Profile

Complete automated analysis solution to parse your invoices that makes text preprocessing recommendations to enrich your UNSPSC classifications better.

Python Pandas Spacy NLTK Rapidfuzz

A ton of helpful Time Series data preprocessing utility I wrote for an Anomaly Detection (LSTM - Autoencoders) Service on incoming API Traffic usecase.

Python TensorFlow Flask Docker Numpy Pandas

Takes in an Excel Sheet containing commodities and their expenditure histories, automatically connects to a remote HANA Db runtime via a python wrapper, performs iterative analysis of all available forecasting algorithms, generates & saves comprehensive plots of the predictions, and at the end generates a report of the best performing algorithms.

Python Pandas Matplotlib SQL Stored Procedures

A Linear Regression model with a Polynomial features of degree 4 learn the data of last 30 days of growth of COVID-19 number of cases (cumulative) and try to predict what the following 15 days would look like. View live graph here.

Python Sklearn GitHub Actions